Benefits of Journaling

Journaling in Recovery


When we write down our emotions, our fears, our issues, our triggers, we can gain a new perspective on ourselves holistically. For many individuals, journaling helps remove mental barriers and encourages self-discovery. This allows us to let go of the past and truly re-invent ourselves.

Anxiety & Depression

Journaling is a great way to easily boost our mood. It can also be a very helpful tool for breaking down the overwhelming emotions that are causing our distress in the first place.

Elevate Mindset and Brain Power

Journaling helps our brain through cognitive processing. When we write down our thoughts, we are naturally encouraged to understand them and make sense of them.

Managing Emotions

Journaling is a safe place for managing and controlling our emotions. Whether we know we are doing it or not, if we are vulnerable and honest while writing in our journals there can be some serious self-work done. This allows us to analyze our emotions on a deeper level before we take any action that could affect our lives or others around us.

  • Alyssa H.

    This journal was exactly what I was looking for! It has all the resources I need on a daily basis in a central location and allows me to analyze my behaviors, habits, and goals while tracking my progress each day.

  • Evan M.

    The Comeback Series journal is not only filled with information and resources to support my recovery, but a place for me to work on myself and better track my journey and evolution in the process. It is an incredible tool, I encourage anyone in recovery to get one!

  • Justin K.

    Purchasing The Comeback Series journal and daily pad have helped me build a daily habit of writing. I am accomplishing more each day and finally feel like I am taking a piece of control back in my life. I never knew the power of journaling until jumping in! Highly recommend both products!

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